Mortgage Capacity Report

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If you're going through a divorce, you might need a mortgage capacity report. It's a detailed investigation into your ability to borrow money to buy a home.

Often used during divorce proceedings, when one spouse may need to buy out the other spouse's share of a property.

The report will consider your income, expenses, and debt obligations to understand how much of a mortgage you can afford.

Mortgage capacity reports are also sometimes used by lenders to assess your ability to repay a mortgage. Bear in mind, however, that lenders often have their own internal procedures for doing this, and they may not accept a mortgage capacity report from a third party.

Here are some of the factors that a mortgage capacity report will consider:

  • Your income: That's your gross income and any other sources of income -- such as rental income or child support payments.
  • Your expenses: These are typically monthly expenses, such as housing, transportation, food, childcare etc.
  • Your debt obligations: It will also look at your total debt, including your mortgage, car loans, student loans, and credit card debt.
  • Your credit score: Lenders are likely to use credit scores to assess your ability to repay a loan.

After this initial assessment, your mortgage capacity report uses this information to calculate how much of a mortgage you can afford.

The report also gives you information about the different types of mortgages available to you, as well as the terms and conditions of each type of mortgage.

If you're going through a divorce and you need to buy out your spouse's share of a property, a mortgage capacity report can be a valuable tool.

The report can help you to find out how much of a mortgage you can afford and the different types of mortgages available to you.

Here are some of the benefits of obtaining a mortgage capacity report:

  • It can give you peace of mind by providing you with an accurate assessment of your mortgage borrowing capacity.
  • It can help you to negotiate a fair financial settlement in your divorce.
  • It can make it easier to obtain a mortgage from a lender.
  • It can help you to choose the right type of mortgage for your needs.

If you're thinking of getting a mortgage capacity report, you contact one of our advisors. They can help you through the process with knowledge and understanding.


Going through a divorce is a difficult and stressful time. And as part of the settlement one of the most important aspects to consider is the family home.

Who will keep it? Or will it be sold?

These are an important decisions that need careful consideration. In either case, one or both parties involved might need to buy somewhere new to live.

  • During this time, a mortgage capacity report can be used to determine how much each person can afford to borrow for a mortgage.
  • A mortgage capacity report takes into account the individual’s income, expenses, and other financial factors to determine their borrowing power.
  • By obtaining a mortgage capacity report for each party, the divorce settlement can be structured in a way that ensures both parties understand where they stand from a potential borrowing perspective when it comes to looking at a new home.

For example, if one party has a higher income than the other, they may be able to afford a larger mortgage.

In this case, the divorce settlement may specify that this party will be responsible for a larger share of the mortgage payments.

  • Overall, a mortgage capacity report can be an important tool in a divorce settlement, as it can help ensure that both parties are able to secure a mortgage that meets their needs and that the financial arrangements are fair and equitable.


To get a mortgage capacity report as part of a divorce settlement, you need to give detailed information about your financial situation.

This will typically include documentation such as:

  • bank statements,
  • tax returns
  • pay stubs
  • any other relevant financial records.

You may also be asked to provide information about any outstanding debts or liabilities you have, as well as any assets you own.

In addition, you’ll need to provide information about the property you’re planning to purchase including its value, location, and any other relevant details.

The mortgage capacity report will use this information to calculate your borrowing power and give you an accurate picture of how much you can afford to borrow for a mortgage.

It’s important to be as thorough and accurate as possible when providing information for a mortgage capacity report, as any inaccuracies or omissions could impact the accuracy of the report and ultimately affect your ability to find a mortgage.

Overall, obtaining a mortgage capacity report as part of a divorce settlement can be a complex process.

Talking to one of our advisors can help you go through the process. Essentially, it’s an important step in making sure both people involved can secure a mortgage to meet their needs – and that the financial arrangements are fair and equitable.


A mortgage capacity report is typically valid for a period of 3 to 6 months, although this can vary depending on the lender or mortgage broker you are working with.

  • It’s important to note that the validity period of a mortgage capacity report is not set in stone, and some lenders may be willing to accept reports that are slightly older than 6 months if they are still deemed to be accurate and relevant.

Typically, this report is a document for solicitors and courts. That’s because when it comes to lending, each lender has their own affordability criteria.

In general, it’s a good idea to obtain a new mortgage capacity report if there have been any significant changes to your financial circumstances such as:

  • a change in income
  • or a new debt or liability.

This will ensure that the report accurately reflects your current borrowing power and maximises your chances of securing a mortgage that meets your needs.

Overall, a mortgage capacity report can be an important tool in the legal process to help give an indication of the borrowing power of each person with regard to their stated circumstances.


Give us a call on 01453 887179


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How we can help you

Discovering what type of mortgage you need to fit the property you love is a real eye-opener. Our expert mortgage brokers know the holiday let mortgage market intimately and always aim to provide a bespoke service to every client. We’ll be with you every step of way and help you to achieve your dream.

Everyone is different, and getting any kind of mortgage can feel overwhelming at times; a bit like climbing Everest. So, we’re careful to explain what’s needed to work out how much you can borrow for a holiday let and how the process works.

We’ll advise you on what documentation will be required and will handle the whole application process for you. With a holiday let mortgage there’s a lot to think about – no worries! Our experts will guide you up that mountain because we’ve climbed it many times before.

Working hard to understand your situation is what we do. And as part of that, we’re able to explore different lenders to find the mortgage that suits you. Furthermore, we can put you in touch with specialists such as holiday lettings agents so that you’ll find that dealing with rental income projections, estate agents, solicitors, and conveyancers is simplified and understandable.


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