Life Cover: Child Bereavement

Child bereavement puts focus on life cover
When a child loses a parent it can be a lonely time and difficult to deal with emotionally.
A death can often have a painful impact and children need support during this time. The remaining family will also need the financial relief that cover brings, to help them deal with tragic circumstances.
It is more common for a child to be left bereaved than you may think.
The latest figures show that one in 29 children of school age have been bereaved of a parent or sibling, that’s the equivalent of a child in every classroom. In fact, a parent of a child under 18 dies every 22 minutes in the UK, around 23,600 every year.
The death of a parent is called a worst case scenario for a reason.
It does not bear thinking about and we all like to assume it won’t happen. But the low risk of death also means a generally lower cost than other types of cover, which makes it a peace of mind worth paying for.
Although life cover is easy to understand, it is still important to consider other factors when taking out your policy. So if you are considering life cover to ensure your family is left with the financial support they need during a difficult time, call us today to arrange a meeting and we can look through your options together.
For more information speak to our adviser today.